Monday, May 11, 2009

How many Bible verses are about money?

Many individuals, in the realm of Christian finance and capital stewardship, pass about 2,000 plus (some as exact as 2,350) verses in the Bible concerning finances. How many of those individuals have actually investigated those numbers? Most of these individuals have forgotten more about biblical finance than I currently know, however many overlook the biblical context of those verses. Many verses Christian financial councilors pull quote (quote a Bible verse to add biblical support) are out of context.  One such pull quote is Luke 12:15: 

"Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."   


The parable immediately following this verse contains the story known to many as, The Rich fool. Along with Luke 12:15, throughout this parable many pull quotes reside. How ever, the passage is not about finance or money. The man in the parable is already rich (Luke 12:16). The issue is the relationship between the fool and his riches. The fool began to trust in his ability (self worship) and forget God’s provisions for him. The problem is not money—it’s about worship.


The rich fool began to worship the idol of self and not give praise to God for who He is as provider and sustainer. God’s response to the fool’s idolatry of self was to require his life. The text does not indicate the reason behind the fool’s death other than to advice:


 “This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself but is not rich towards God.”    


Stewardship in finance is not the issue being addressed. Relationship and worship of God is the spiritual matter being addressed in this parable.


What does this have to do with how many verses in the Bible address money? Simply this, just because Scripture contains illustrations using money, the purpose may have nothing to do with money, per says, but may have a different meaning all together. All ways remember: parables use real world illustrations to address spiritual matters.   


  1. You can find here the official list of the 2,350 verses as compiled by Crown Financial Ministries.

  2. most of those who claim that about 2350 verses dealing about money and handling of possessions doesn't even have their list of book/chapter/verses on-hand when requested...

  3. Luke 12:15 is about money; money is the vehicle.


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